I decided it was time to teach collage! I wanted to introduce some elements of art, help them think about composition, and help them have fun with art. I think it is great preparation for teaching painting or drawing, as it helps them think of how to compose an interesting image, but they get to use found images to do so.
Since most fifth graders have a great sense of humor, I showed them examples of humorous collages! They pretended to be grossed out by these ones: https://craftwhack.com/hilarious-magazine-face-collages/, but several of them were inspired by these wacky face collages. After I taught them some collage techniques, we gave them magazines and set them loose! I encouraged them to make funny collages, but I gave the option to choose as long as they were making collage.
They did fantastic and had so much fun! The room was covered in paper by the time they finished, and several of them stayed for part of recess because they didn't want to stop working on their collage. I am impressed by their work and proud of them!
