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This page includes four videos I created as a commentary on social issues I am passionate about.


I do not own the clips in this upcoming video. They are compiled as a commentary on how media

affects us, which falls into the art category of appropriation. This video is a little long, but I think it

is worth the time. I normally introduce my art, but this work is better understood through watching it.

These videos were created in 2019, after reading a list from the 1950s on how to be a good wife. This list came from a different time in history, so expectations have changed drastically since then. I am grateful for the many women who fought for women's rights so that women, like me, can choose their own paths in life. These videos celebrate the changes that have occurred (and are still occurring) in the world since the 1950s. I hope someday all people across the world are treated fairly, and not limited or harmed based on societal gender roles and expectations.

These videos are meant to be watched together. If you click play on each video, you can watch them at the same time. If you wish to watch each video individually, I suggest watching the video in full screen to see it better. I do not own the images in the middle video, but I created the video myself as a commentary on the interaction between gender expectations and advertisements.

© 2020 by Deanna Nielson

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